Switching From Pelican To Hugo - Conclusion
All in all I have only started to scratch the Surface of Hugo, but so far it seems really awesome. There appears to be a whole bunch of built in functions for image manipulation, translations, check them all out there.
Within the metadata there is a ‘draft:’ key which when used without the hugo -D flag don’t show up which I really like. I updated my site, and republished it without these switching to Hugo posts, as I wanted to review and edit them, as long as draft was true they didn’t show up.
Part of devops work is weighing time spent on a task vs gain. In this case the amount of time spent scripting some things could have been greater than the amount of time using a multiline editor or going through each post manually.
The reason I thought that scripting updating links could be more work is because I have to find each link in my posts and then decide if it was an external link ‘http{s}://’ or an internal link ‘stuff.html’. And there could be edge cases that I don’t want modified. So with the time of creating a one time script + testing + verifying it would have been time I could be doing other things.
There will be people who say “You should have scripted it anyways.” And to each their own, I didn’t see the value in it for my particular use case.
There are some things left over for me to do with Hugo, creating a Makefile or python script to make my dev and publishing easier. Since I already did that on my Pelican site setup posts and Makefile to Python series and my repo is public I am not going to go over it again. By the time you see this post this will be done ;).
I want to update the pygments for code highlighting as well as general theme tweaks. Going through the Hugo Configuration should help me out a lot.